This week in Space...
Torn Paper Planets
SPLAT! Exploring Gravity Through Art
This week we made torn paper planets! (Some students wanted to use scissors). We did not make planets in our solar system, instead we made planets we thought we would find exploring space. We talked about what type of planet we were making and what we thought might live there. Everyone had their own ideas and it was fun! One thing I love about torn paper crafts is that it works on fine motor skills while being creative.
This week we explored gravity through a playful art experience! Splat painting was a fun way to add scientific exploration into art. The kiddos dipped pompoms into paint, stood on a step stool and dropped the pompoms! I asked the kiddos to tell me what happens. "It splatted!" "It made a crazy shape!" After a few tries on the step stool, I had some kiddos stay on the floor and drop the pompoms. When asked what they observed, most of them pointed out that those splats weren't as big. When I wondered why, they said that the pompoms had farther to fall when they were on the step stool. This led into a variety of experimentation with the painted pompoms. They dropped the pompoms from various heights, and some pompoms were thrown at the paper too. I loved watching them try out new techniques, and especially loved hearing them discuss why and how the different splats were created.
Space Station - Dramatic Play
This week we turned our kitchen into a space station by covering the kitchen and table in foil. We added a keyboard, computer screen and lots of planets. The kiddos loved pretending to blast off into space and landing on the moon!
Painting Paper Mache Planets
This week we painted our paper mache planets. The kiddos were very focused on the details! They looked at books and tried to paint their planet just like the pictures in the books.
Moon Painting
Using white paint and pompoms attached to clothespins, the kiddos painted the moon using a stamping method.
Bye Bye Butterflies!
This week we said goodbye to Claw-Witz, Cheetah, Purple, Cutie and Cupcake! It was great watching them turn into beautiful butterflies.
Mystery Reader's
Our Mystery Readers this week were upper school teacher Mrs. Campbell and Zach's dad! Thank's for reading to us!
June 5th: Pre-K Breakfast 8:30-9:30 am
June 6th: Sunset Woods - Last Day of School!