This week in Pre-K we had creepy crawly fun learning about spiders! So far we have learned that spiders have 8 legs, most have 8 eyes, they spin sticky webs to catch food, and they have two fangs!
Let’s take a look at the week:
Morning Meeting: During morning meeting we continued to discuss our schedule for the day, review daily jobs, calendar, weather and songs. This week we learned a new song called, “The Witch Has an Itch.” We also read fiction and nonfiction spider books!
Special Celebration: This week we had a special guest come in and tell us all about Diwali - the Hindu Festival of Lights. Diwali signifies the victory of light over darkness, good over evil, knowledge over ignorance, and hope over despair. To learn more about the holiday we listened to a story, decorated diyas (lamps), colored light printouts, and tried a special treat!
Music: This week in music we continued to practice our songs for Grandparents Day as well as some new songs!
Check out Video 2:
PE: This week we played hula hoop games with Ms. Strain’s Kindergarten class. The first game we played was called - “Find the Hoop!” To play this game, hula hoops of various colors were spread out all over the gym floor. A teacher then called out a color and the children had to run and stand in that color hula hoop. While running to the correct hula hoop, the children would also try to avoid the tagger! The kids loved this game! The second game we played was called, “Red Light, Green Light.” We used hula hoops as cars and the children had to follow the traffic instructions. Sometimes they would have to be a race car on a race track (run and drive fast!), or a school bus in a school zone (walk and drive slow!)
Fine Motor: The students had a good time stacking spider rings on pipe cleaners and using tweezers to remove the spider rings from the spider web!
Art: We made Color Resist Spider Webs with Yarn Spiders! They are hanging up in the halls and they look SPOOKTACULAR!

Science: A special 4th grade friend come into our class and taught us how to make Spooky Spider Slime using household ingredients such as glue, shaving cream, baking soda, contact solution, water color paint, and glitter! The children helped to add and mix the ingredients. We had a lot of fun playing with our slime after we worked hard making it!
Math: For our math center this week we had Spider Counting Mats! The students counted out spiders, one at a time, until they equaled the number that was on the interactive mat. We practiced numbers 1-20! Some students were able to count to the “big” numbers independently, and some students needed some teacher guidance. Since our spiders were a variety of fun and bright colors, some students started making patterns. It was fun to watch the students interact with the counting activity in different ways!
Language Arts: This week the children had journals and they told a teacher a story about what they would do if they were a spider. The teacher dictated their story and the children drew a picture to match their story. This is good pre-writing practice! Journals are one of my favorite centers. The children's stories are so entertaining and creative! For example, this was one student's response:
“I would crawl into someone's room, and then a girl would put me out of her house, and then she would lock it, and then I would never want to go into that house….never again!! And then I saw a King who had a lion's face, and then he said “ROOOAAARRR”... I put milk on him and then he licked it!”
Zoo Phonics: This week we learned what sounds the letters “M” and “N” make. The names of these letters are - Minnie Mouse and Nigel Nightowl! The kiddos also started listening for beginning word sounds and matched pictures to our zoo friends picture. The children are enjoying our pre-reading practice!
Handwriting without Tears: We have been working hard on our sign-in’s and practicing writing the letters in our names. Everyday we make sure that the children are holding pencils, markers, and crayons correctly in order to reinforce good writing habits. If you see your kiddo holding a writing instrument, or scissors, incorrectly at home, please remind them how to hold it correctly! Everyday we work on fine motor skills that help to make our hands stronger for writing.
Recess: The kiddos always have fun outside!!
Check out video:
- Please remember to check your child’s set of extra clothes to make sure they have plenty of seasonally appropriate clothes!
- Carnival and our Halloween Pre-K/JK party is this Friday!
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