Sunday, May 5, 2019

Caterpillars & Butterflies...continued!

This week we continued our Caterpillar/Butterflies Unit!

Caterpillar Cups
On Friday, three of our caterpillars turned into chrysalides! Next week we will move the lid into the butterfly habitat and continue to watch as our caterpillars transform into butterflies!

This week we talked about symmetry and the kiddos worked on creating their own butterflies with symmetric wings using wooded shapes.

Butterfly Art
We extended our lesson on symmetry and the kiddos made butterflies using black glue and watercolors!

For journals this week the kiddos were encouraged to create their own ending to "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" by Eric Carle. The story features a caterpillar who eats his way through a wide variety of yummy foods before turning into a chrysalis and then emerging as a butterfly!

This week we watched a couple of videos that helped the kiddos understand the process of how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly. We watched a time lapse video on YouTube and also a video on BrainPOP Jr. 

Rainbow Adventures
This week Rainbow went home with Isla, Everly, Joe and Eden!  The kiddos are having a blast during their special evening with Rainbow and are excited to share their adventures with the class. 

A-Z Countdown to Summer!
This week we began our A-Z countdown to summer! The A-Z countdown is a fun and engaging way to count down the days until summer vacation that features an easy and fun activity for each letter of the alphabet. This week we completed activities for A, B and C!

A = Stuffed Animals

B = Bubbles

C = Crazy Hair and/or Socks

Magic Milk Science Experiment 
This was a fun and simple science experiment! Any type of chemical reaction is fun to watch and makes for great hands-on learning!

Mystery Reader
The mystery read this week was Joaquin & Kaden's mom! Thanks for coming in and reading to us!

A-Z Countdown for next week: 

Next week we will start our unit on Weather!


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