3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . . BLAST OFF!!
This week Pre-K blasted into Space!
Space Puzzle
During free choice some of the kiddos enjoyed working on various space themed puzzled. It was fun to see how the children strategized to complete the puzzle. Some of the kids chose to work on the edges, while some wanted to work on the sun or another section of the puzzle. Puzzles benefit a child's development in many ways. They help development hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills, and they also help build visual-perceptual skills.
Astronaut Writing
This week we studied how things are different in space! We talked about how there is very little gravity in space, which effects the astronauts daily lives. The kiddos practiced writing like an astronaut. The children thought this activity was hilarious!
Paper Mache Planets
To make our paper mache planets we needed balloons, newspaper, flour and water. The kiddos helped to make the paste by mixing flour and water. The children then helped tear the newspaper into small strips. Then we blew up several balloons. I showed the kiddos how to dip the strips into the paste, remove the access, and slowly cover the entire ballon with wet strips. The balloons will take some time to dry. Once they are fully dry we will paint the "planets."
Space Shuttle Launch Simulation
We started the week by turning our rainbow rug into a space shuttle. We brought chairs onto the rug and the kiddos pretended that they were astronauts getting ready to go into space. They were instructed to put on their spacesuits, moon boots, helmets and gloves. When they were ready they boarded the space shuttle. Once the kiddos where seated, I played a space shuttle launch simulation on the overhead and the kiddos absolutely loved it! Below is the link to the YouTube video incase your kiddo would like to watch it again!
SPLAT! Exploring Gravity Through Art
This week we explored gravity through a playful art experience! Splat painting was a fun way to add scientific exploration into art. The kiddos dipped pompoms into paint, stood on a step stool and dropped the pompoms. I asked the kiddos to tell me what happened. "It splatted!" "It made a crazy shape!" After a few tries on the step stool, I had some kiddos stay on the floor and drop the pompom. When asked what they observed most of them pointed out that those splats weren't as big. When I asked why, they said that the pompoms had father to fall when they were on the step stool. This led into a variety of experimentation with the painted pompoms. They dropped the pompoms from various heights, and some pompoms were thrown at the paper too. I loved watching them try out new techniques, and especially loved hearing them discuss why and how the different splats were created.
Mystery Reader
Exploring with Magnetic Wands
-NO SCHOOL Monday!
-Please bring in a plain black shirt.
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