This week we began our Five Senses unit. Ask your Pre-K kiddo if they can name all five...sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch.
The Guessing Box
During this activity the kiddos relied on a single sense - touch - to identify objects hidden from sight. The funniest moment came when there was a pinecone inside of the box. The kiddo said that the object was hard and pointy and then shouted out . . . "It's a hedgehog!!!!"
Salt and Sugar Taste Test
The salt and sugar test is a great activity that encouraged us to explore how our sense of taste can detect a difference between two things when our other senses cannot. We began by putting a little bit of salt and a little bit of sugar on a black piece of paper. We used black paper so that children can see the white salt and sugar better than against something white. We did not tell the children that it was salt and sugar on the black paper. We asked them to look at both. How does the first one look? How does it feel? We asked the same questions about the other. Can you tell a difference between the two? Can you think of any way to tell the difference between them? We then asked the children to taste the salt and the sugar one by one. We then asked the kiddos to name what they tasted, how it tasted (sweet/salty), and whether they could tell the difference between the two.
This week we invited our Upper School Buddies into our classroom and made cards for children in hospitals. We talked about how making a card someone is a great way to make someone feel good!
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