This week we began our Fall Unit.
We began the week by talking about what we already know about Fall.
Read the kiddos responses below:
This week the kiddos also participated in many fine motor, math, language arts, literacy, and art centers.
Sensory and Fine Motor
The kiddos had so much fun removing every last kernel from the corn on the cob!
Fine Motor Color Sort
The kiddos were instructed to use the tweezers to pick up the various objects and place them in the corresponding bag. Some of the objects were very easy to pick up, and some were a challenge. The kiddos enjoyed developing their fine motor skills in an engaging way.
Number and Letter Sort
One of the early skills children need is to be able to identify the difference between letters and numbers, (and eventually letters and words). This activity allowed the kiddos to practice this skill!
During journals the kiddos are practicing early writing skills. Young children (as young as 2 years old) begin to imitate the act of writing by creating drawings and symbolic markings that represent their thoughts and ideas. This is the beginning of a series of stages that children progress through as they learn to write. During journals, we encourage the kiddos to communicate their thoughts about a topic and record their responses. This week the kiddos completed the sentence: "In fall I like to...."
Zoo Phonics
We are learning about so many letters and the sounds that they make! This week we learned all about Missy Mouse, Nigel Night-owl and Olive Octopus! I am currently making all of the kids a Zoo Phonics Booklet that they can take home and "study" whenever they would like. Often times the kiddos love to "teach" their parents or siblings. The children really connect with the "zoo friends." We usually practice before lunch and it is always a favorite activity!
Apple Tree 1:1 Math
When it comes to math, counting is always emphasized. Counting involves memorizing the number words in the proper order (one, two three, four....). One-to-one correspondence is being able to use this knowledge to skillfully count an actual number of objects. A child that understands 1:1 correspondence knows that 2 cookies = 2 or 5 raisins = 5. Young kiddos need many opportunities to practice saying one number with one object. We practice this skill every week!
The kiddos were instructed to count the number of "apples" and find the matching number on the clothespins - then connect the clothespin to the "top of the tree" to make an apple tree!
The kiddos were instructed to use the tweezers to pick up the various objects and place them in the corresponding bag. Some of the objects were very easy to pick up, and some were a challenge. The kiddos enjoyed developing their fine motor skills in an engaging way.
One of the early skills children need is to be able to identify the difference between letters and numbers, (and eventually letters and words). This activity allowed the kiddos to practice this skill!
"The Colors of Fall" Emergent Readers
This emergent reader provided our kiddos with repetitive text to help them learn color words. We also practiced using our "reading finger" to follow along and learn that you read words from left to right. We practiced reading sight words and identifying letters on the page. While coloring the pictures we practiced our "tripod" grip and strengthened our fine motor skills.
During journals the kiddos are practicing early writing skills. Young children (as young as 2 years old) begin to imitate the act of writing by creating drawings and symbolic markings that represent their thoughts and ideas. This is the beginning of a series of stages that children progress through as they learn to write. During journals, we encourage the kiddos to communicate their thoughts about a topic and record their responses. This week the kiddos completed the sentence: "In fall I like to...."
Zoo Phonics
We are learning about so many letters and the sounds that they make! This week we learned all about Missy Mouse, Nigel Night-owl and Olive Octopus! I am currently making all of the kids a Zoo Phonics Booklet that they can take home and "study" whenever they would like. Often times the kiddos love to "teach" their parents or siblings. The children really connect with the "zoo friends." We usually practice before lunch and it is always a favorite activity!
Apple Tree 1:1 Math
When it comes to math, counting is always emphasized. Counting involves memorizing the number words in the proper order (one, two three, four....). One-to-one correspondence is being able to use this knowledge to skillfully count an actual number of objects. A child that understands 1:1 correspondence knows that 2 cookies = 2 or 5 raisins = 5. Young kiddos need many opportunities to practice saying one number with one object. We practice this skill every week!
The kiddos were instructed to count the number of "apples" and find the matching number on the clothespins - then connect the clothespin to the "top of the tree" to make an apple tree!
Mystery Reader
This week our Mystery Reader was our French Teacher, Madame!
Next week we will continue our Fall Unit!
This week our Mystery Reader was our French Teacher, Madame!
Next week we will continue our Fall Unit!
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