Friday, November 2, 2018


This week we concluded our Spider Unit! We began the week by reading the book, "I'm Trying to Love Spiders" by Bethany Barton. This non-fiction picture book shares lots of fascinating facts about spiders in a very captivating way. We talked about how spiders liquefy their food and how they spin silk into webs. We also learned that spiders have two main body parts - the head and the abdomen, and that spiders are arachnids (not insects!). 

The kiddos participated in a lot of fun activities this week. Let's check them out...

Spider Web Process Art
In Pre-K we encourage the kiddos creativity through developmentally appropriate art experiences. Process-focused art means that there is no right or wrong way to explore and create, the art is focused on the experience and on exploration of techniques, tools, and materials, the art is unique and original, the experience is relaxing and calming and the art is entirely the kiddo's own. During our Spider Web Process Art activity the kiddos painted with a small length of yarn tied to a plastic spider to simulate a web. The kiddos dove right in and dipped the spider and it's web right into the paint! We didn't worry about mixing paint colors, we just enjoyed this creative new way to make art!

Marbled Spider Web
The kiddos made super cool spider web designs using a large container, paint, paper and marbles! We first dropped the marbles in black paint and then tilted the container from side to side so that the marbles would roll all over the paper. Once the kiddos had the design they liked they removed the paper and we let it dry. Then we added handprints to make a spider!

Journals - How do you feel about spiders? 

"I like to make spider webs!  I like mosquitos. If I saw a spider I would be happy." -Alicia

"I am sad. Because my dad picked me up in the window and he gets a tissue and get a spider. Im at the window and daddy is gonna get this. This is my dad and this is me. I am looking out the window. This is my baby brother. He is happy." -Carolyn

"Sad. Spiders eat mosquitos and eat flies." -Isla

"I feel mad about spiders because they scare me and i don't like that. I don't like them. This is me and that's my eyes." -Everly

"Nervous! I'm worried spiders …...i'm pretty good at fighting spiders you know. At my home you put holes in spiders so they can't breathe or talk. They eat mosquitos! They have a head and an abdomen." -Zach

"I eat the spiders I don't eat the spiders. They make me SOOOOO ANGRY! Because I eat them!" -Connor

"All About Spiders" Fact Book Emergent Reader
Together we read the book and the kiddos completed the illustrations to make each fact true. For example, page three says "Most spiders have eight eyes."  The kiddos then drew eight eyes on the spider.

Spider Video
This week we watched a video called, "What is the Biggest Spider in the World?" Here is the link if you want to check it out!

Building Spiderwebs on the Light Table

"The Very Busy Spider" Interactive Read Aloud

Spiderweb Counting

Spiderweb Number Match

Can You Make a Spider?
The kiddos were encouraged to make a spider using kinetic sand, pipe cleaners, and googly eyes!

Spiderweb Letter Swat 

Next week we will begin our Fall Unit!


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