Friday, February 1, 2019

Fairy Tales

This week we began our Fairy Tales Unit! The kiddos absolutely loved the dramatic play this week as well as all of the fairy tale stories. We read a short version of The Three Little Pigs as well as The Three Ninja Pigs. We talked about how the two stories are similar and how they are different. We also watched a YouTube video about the most beautiful castles in the world. It was so funny to hear the kiddos shout out, "I want to live there!" "That castle is HUGE!" "That's my house!" "I want to live there with Mr. Bailey!" "WOW that is a REAL castle!"  It was great to show the kiddos that castles are actually real and not just something from a fairy tale ;)

Castle Art
After showing the kiddos the wonderful video about castles, the children were excited to start our castle art project. The children worked on their fine motor skills while tracing an outline of a castle with a sharpie. After tracing we erased the pencil marks and the kids used water color paint to add vibrant colors to their castles. Next week the kiddos will dictate their own "Once upon a time..." story to and we will attach it to their artwork!  

Crown Counting
Counting is always fun when we are using gems! 

Multi-Stage Process Art
I am so excited about this project! I love process art because it gives the chance an opportunity to just explore the materials without any guidance. 

STAGE 1: Using a large canvas for the artwork, I presented the canvas along with some paint, paintbrushes, rollers and foam brushes. To avoid the colors mixing and turning brown, I decided to use colors that would work together and not turn into a big mess of brown! We used cool colors - green, dark blue, light blue and white. 

STAGE 2: On Monday we will use yarn dipped in glue to make fun designs. 

STAGE 3: On Tuesday we will then add colored glue and beads. 


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