Thursday, February 15, 2018

Valentine's Day & Friendship

This week we celebrated Valentine's Day and began our Friendship unit.

The Pre-K kiddos made Tie-Dye Coffee Filter Hearts! They first colored the coffee filters using  washable markers and then sprayed the coffee filters with water using a spray bottle. Once they dried we added heart frames made from construction paper. 

The Pre-K kids also created a beautiful Valentines Masterpiece using watercolors and a DIY cardboard roll heart stamp!  First, the kiddos used watercolors to paint a brightly colored watercolor abstract. Then, the kiddos used the cardboard roll heart stamp to print red hearts all over the watercolor abstract.  I love how the crisp hearts contrast against the brightly painted watercolor paper. 

On Tuesday we spent the day getting ready for Valentine's Day! We worked hard on creating cards for our Reading Buddies and for Mom and Dad!

We also made Valentine's Day Mailboxes!

On Valentine's Day we hosted a party for our Reading Buddies. We decorated cookies, made friendship bracelets, and made cards for loved ones!

On Thursday we began our Friendship unit. To begin the day we read the book, "The Best Friends Book" by Todd Parr. We then discussed ways we can be a good friend.  Some responses included: giving hugs, giving gifts, being nice to others and sharing. During centers we did a Friendship Color Mixing Experiment! The idea is that red, yellow, and blue are great alone, but when you mix them you create something beautiful. This is how lasting friendships are formed. Two individuals coming together to create something beautiful - FRIENDSHIP. The children worked together and choose colors that they wanted to mix using their hands. We answered the questions:

"What does the paint feel like on your hands?"

"What do you think will happen if you hold hands and mix your colors?"

"How many different colors can you make?"

Indoor Recess: 


NO SCHOOL Friday, February 16
NO SCHOOL Monday, February 19

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Community Helpers...continued! (and Spirit Week)

This week we continued our Community Helpers unit. We also celebrated Spirit Week!! Let's take a look at the activities the kiddos participated in this week.

Community Mural - This week the kiddos completed their Community Mural. They worked together to make houses, a school, a hotel, a police station, cars, trees, stop signs, and a road! The Pre-K kids worked hard on scissor skills and creativity. The mural is hanging up in our hallway, please take a look!

Mystery Reader - This week our Mystery Reader was Mrs. Sara McGuire. She is the Director of Development and is the Yearbook Co-Sponsor. 

Self-Portraits - It was very exciting to watch the kiddos create their self portraits this month. The children are starting to focus on the details. They are beginning to notice their eyebrows, dimples, and the highlights in their hair. One of our students even started to think about what is inside of his body!

Indoor Recess - It was a very cold week so we had recess in our Gross Motor Room. In the Gross Motor Room the kiddos are able to run around and climb. They also have the opportunity to play with trucks and dramatic play items. 

Language Arts - This week we read the book "When I Get Bigger" by Mercer Mayer.  In the book Little Critter dreams of the day when he will be big enough to go to first grade, dial phone numbers by himself, or camp out in the backyard. We discussed that there are many things that we can do when we are older that we can't do right now. We focused our journal entry this week filling in the blank, "When I get bigger, I am going to ________." The children's responses included: having a family of their own and telling their kids what to do, becoming a police officer, and being able to reach things off the very tall shelf. The kiddos are getting much better at drawing a picture that matches their response. 

Math - Emergency Vehicle Clothespin Number Match

Spirit Week - The kiddos loved dressing up for the different themed days! I think our class favorite was PJ Day and Beach Day! 

Reminders -

Wednesday, February 14th: Pre-K & Reading Buddies Valentine's Day Party! Please bring in a small box (prior to Wednesday), Valentines to share, and a special treat to share with friends! 

Friday, February 16th: NO SCHOOL (P/T Conferences)

Monday, February 19th: NO SCHOOL (President's Day) 

Next week we begin our Valentine's Day and Friendship Unit