Friday, October 13, 2017


This week we finished up our Pumpkin Unit. Here is a look at our week:

SCIENCE: One of the most popular activities this week was our Erupting Pumpkin Volcano! Before we conducted our experiment we predicted what was going to happen when we combined the baking soda and vinegar. We briefly talked about how baking soda is a base and the vinegar is an acid, and when we combine the two a chemical reaction takes place and a gas is produced. The gas is carbon dioxide which fizzes and bubbles. The science behind this experience is probably too much for a 3 year old to fully understand, however, it does plant a seed for future science learning!

Click on the links below to watch our Erupting Pumpkin Volcanos!

The Pre-K kids also learned about the Life Cycle of a Pumpkin. We first read the book Pumpkin Pumpkin by Jeanne Titherington, which details how a pumpkin grows. After reading the book we colored print out pictures of the different stages. We then cut out the pictures and glued them in order on a timeline. The kiddos caught on quickly and were surprised to find out that pumpkins are yellow flowers before they get to be big and orange!

MATH: This week’s math game was a Roll & Color game. The kids were each given a dice. They were instructed to roll the dice, count the dots, and color in the corresponding number on their paper. This is great way to practice one-to-one correspondence.

ART: The children created Mosaic Pumpkins and Shaving Cream Marbled Pumpkins. The kiddos love to experiment with texture and love being creative!

The kids also painted their October self portraits.

LANGUAGE ARTS: For Journals this week the topic was - “How would you decorate your pumpkin?” The children shared a variety of answers such as, “Mine would be wearing weeds!” and “Mine has lipstick on!” They enjoyed drawing pictures that matched their responses.

We also played Letter Bingo. The kids were shown an uppercase letter and the kids had to see if the lowercase letter was on their bingo board.

P.E.: This week in P.E. the Pre-K and K kids teamed up and completed an obstacle course! The obstacle course had hula hoops, hoppity hops, bikes, scooters and cones! The children loved the thrill of the race!

READING BUDDIES: This week we decided to take a break from reading with our buddies and instead we worked on our creativity! The 5th/6th grade friends helped us with our art projects and decorating our classroom pumpkins. It’s so much fun watching the “big kids” play and get messy with our preschoolers. As they were leaving they asked if they could spend more time in the classroom volunteering! They really love Pre-K!

MUSIC: The kiddos learned some new songs in music class this week! They love singing and playing the instruments. The kiddos are beginning to practice for their Grandparents Day performance!

ZOO PHONICS: This week we learned the letter “I” and “J.” These two friends are “Inny Inchworm” and “Jerry Jellyfish!” Ask your preschooler if they can tell you the sounds that they make! We are making our way through the alphabet one letter at a time! Once we learn all of our sounds we can practice reading CVC words.

Next week we will begin our Spider Unit!


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