Thursday, October 11, 2018


Pumpkin Investigation
To begin our investigation we first discussed what the pumpkin looks like. What color is the pumpkin? Is the pumpkin smooth or rough? How many lines does the pumpkin have? etc. We then predicted what was inside the pumpkin. Some friends guessed there were seeds inside, and some guessed that there was water inside (based on our coconut investigation a few weeks ago).  After we opened the pumpkin, all of the kids were amazed at the "meat" or "guts" found inside! Surprisingly, none of the kiddos wanted to feel the inside of the pumpkin! 

Bubble Science with Pumpkins!
Bubbles, bubbles, bubbles! This bubbly science experiment is a perfect way to combine pumpkin science, fall, and so much more!  Here is what we needed for the science experiment: pre-gutted pumpkins, a straw for each kiddo, water, dish soap, food coloring, and pans to catch the mess! The goals for this experiment were to explore bubbles, explain how bubbles work (basic bubble science), and engage in a sensory experience. 

Erupting Pumpkins Experiment 
This fun fall activity brought fall and science together in a way that the kiddos loved!!  All that was needed for this activity was a carved pumpkin, baking soda, vinegar, and food coloring! We took turns filling our pumpkins with a bit of baking soda and a few drops of food coloring.  Then we added the vinegar and the eruptions began!

Life Cycle of a Pumpkin 
To begin our understanding of how pumpkins grow, we read the book "From Seed to Pumpkin" by Wendy Pfeffer.  In the classic picture book, we were brought into a pumpkin patch and shown how little seeds transform into big pumpkins. We then acted out the book using visual cards and worked as a team to put them in order: 1.) seed 2.) sprout 3.) vine 4.) flower 5.) green pumpkin 6.) orange pumpkin. Then during centers we created our own life cycle sequence strips. 

Planting Pumpkin Seeds in a Pumpkin
After we talked about the life cycle of a pumpkin, we opened up a pumpkin to take a look at all the seeds and "guts" inside. I asked the kiddos to make a prediction about whether or not the seeds inside the pumpkin would grow if we just added dirt and water. Most of the kiddos thought that the seeds would not grow inside the pumpkin. I'll admit, I am unsure myself of how successful this experiment is going to be!  (Stay tuned for the results...)

Counting Pumpkin Seeds

Patricia the Pumpkin gets a Haircut
A fun and engaging way to practice our scissor skills!

Shaving Cream Marbled Pumpkins
First, the kiddos traced a picture of a pumpkin on a piece of card-stock (pre-writing practice) Then the kiddos mixed shaving cream and orange water color together and placed their pumpkin picture on top. The kiddos then scraped the shaving cream off and a beautiful marbled design appeared!

Zoo Phonics
The kiddos have been working hard learning their letters, letter sounds and motions. So far we have reviewed and practiced "zoo friends" a, b, c, d, e, f, and g. Ask your Pre-K kid if they can teach you what they have learned!



Free Choice
The kiddos got creative this week with play-dough, zoo animals and craft sticks!


Mystery Reader
This week our Mystery Reader was Mr. Bailey! 

Next week we will continue our Pumpkin Unit!


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