Saturday, September 23, 2017

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

This week we dove into our “Chicka Chicka Boom Boom” unit based on the book by Bill Martin Jr. and John Archambault.  Here is a look at the corresponding activities for the week!
Morning Meeting: This week we read the story, “Chicka Chicka Boom Boom” in many different ways! On Monday we did a classic read aloud. On Tuesday we watched an interactive YouTube video based on the book. Later in the week, we read the story and placed magnetic letters on the whiteboard as we heard them in the book. The kiddos really liked this activity! It is fun to read the same book in a variety of ways!

Zoo Phonics: This week we learned the letters “E” and “F.” Ask your child if they remember what “Ellie Elephant” and “Francy Fish” say! Do they know the hand motions that go with the letter sounds?
Art: The children were busy constructing coconut trees.  They worked on their fine motor skills ripping paper and using scissors to cut the leaves, coconuts, and tree trunk.
Language Arts: The kiddos went on a letter hunt in the sensory bin. They had to use tweezers to pull out a letter and then find the matching letter on their Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Letter Mat. Once they found the letter they stamped it out using dot paint! The children also participated in a letter pick up! We scattered alphabet letters on the rug and the kids picked up the letters in ABC order. They practiced both lowercase and uppercase letters!

Math: We rolled dice, counted the dots and then colored in the correct number on our Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Tree Mat.

Fine Motor: To practice both our fine motor skills and counting we strung coconuts (beads) on pipe-cleaner coconut trees!
Spanish: We are continuing to learn our colors! Ask your child if they know what red is in Spanish! Green? Blue?
Gross Motor Room: We had indoor recess one day this week due to rain. The kids loved exploring the toys and activities in this room!

Recess: It was HOT this week! But that didn't stop us from running around and having fun outside!

Weekly Questions: 

Below are some questions you can ask your child about school. These questions are a little more direct then, "What did you do at school today?" Usually, responses to this question include, "I don't know!" or "Nothing!"

Everyday Questions:

1.) What was your job today? (calendar helper, weather helper, line leader, door holder)

2.) What songs did you sing today? What is your favorite song during morning meeting? (most of them LOVE "Bear Hunt!"

3.) What did you eat at snack today? (Usually it is a fruit)

4.) What is your favorite recess activity? (They all love the tire-swing!)

5.) What "zoo friends" do you know? Can you teach me? (We practice Zoo Phonics during circle time. So far we have practiced letters A-F)

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Questions:

1.) Do you know what kind of tree is in the story, "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom?" (Coconut Tree!)

2.) What happened to the Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Tree? Why? (It fell down! There were too many letters in the tree!)

3.) How many letters are in the alphabet? (They might not remember this one! 26)

4.) Tell me about a time you climbed up a tree. What happened?


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