Sunday, September 3, 2017

Welcome to Pre-K!

We had a wonderful first week in Pre-K! We worked hard learning new routines and classroom procedures. We learned how to line up, walk quietly in the hall, how to sit on the rug and how to put our toys away. We also participated in morning meeting, free choice, learning centers, snack, recess, and circle time.

Here is a look at our typical day:

Free Choice: We begin our day choosing which activities, games and centers we would like to play with. This is a great opportunity for the children to problem solve and learn to share. The dramatic play area is usually a popular choice as well as large blocks/legos on the rug!

Playing with dolls in the dramatic play area.

Morning Meeting: We begin our morning meeting by saying "good morning" and greeting our friends using a secret handshake. We then review the schedule for the day, discuss our classroom jobs, and then we talk about the weather and calendar.  After calendar we sing two songs. This week we learned the songs, “Names Names They’re Not The Same” and “Animal Action.” We then end the meeting with either a read aloud or a short activity!

Gym or Music: We line up and walk to either the gym or the music room. We have fun moving our bodies in gym or singing and dancing during music!

Snack Time: The kiddos are learning how to be independent and take responsibility for cleaning up their own mess. After snack, the children participate in a book look in the classroom library and around the room.  

Participating in a "Book Look" in our classroom library. 
Enjoying a delicious and nutritious snack!
At snack time we ask questions and share stories. 

Recess:  Exploring the tire swing, slide, sand box, and big blocks.  The children have big smiles running around and getting all their energy out! This is a great time to socialize and learn how to problem solve.

Racing down the slide!
Taking turns on the tire swing is fun!

Learning Centers:  The children are learning how to stay at one table for the whole activity.  This is when we will have our literacy, math, fine motor, and thematic activities.  

Working together to build a tall tower using cubes. 

Circle Time:  We are learning how to be good listeners on the carpet and taking turns sharing ideas and stories.  

Next week we will begin our “All About Me” unit. We will discover our unique qualities that make us special. Each month we will be painting a self-portrait.  The children get to look in the mirror and examine their physical characteristics and will interpret their image into a painting.   It is exciting to see the changes and growth from the first self-portrait to the final one in June!  These paintings will be displayed in the classroom.


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