Sunday, November 26, 2017


This week was a very short week! During our two days in school we talked about Thanksgiving and what it means to be thankful. The kiddos were thankful for their families, school, their toys, winter, snow, and learning!

On Monday we practiced for our big musical performance! The kiddos practiced walking to their spot on stage and singing the songs.  In our classroom, they participated in Thanksgiving centers. They played Turkey Color Match, Turkey Letter Match, and made thankful leaves.

On Tuesday we celebrated Grandparents Day! The children had so much fun singing for their Grandparents and special guests. They also enjoyed showing off their classrooms!

Next week we begin our Mo Willems author study! Some of the books we will be enjoying include: Don't Let The Pigeon Drive the Bus! The Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog, There is a Bird on Your Head, and Knuffle Bunny. 


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